
At this event, we’ll help you complete your past, tell the truth about your current reality, and live a better story.


Complete your past.

“I told myself a story about my Dad’s love for me. That false narrative caused me to follow a painfully beautify path of trying to become “the greatest salesman in the world'“ to become the person I am today. Thank you Dad for being you. I love you.” Chad

Tell the truth about your current reality.

What is the “lens” you are looking through?

Is it a lens created by the news media, or the movies?

Are you in alignment with your God given identity?

Live A Better Story.

Thank you! This was a refreshing and Transformative event.
— Darryll Stinson, 2xTEDx Speaker | Keynote Speaker | Mental Health Advocate | Best-selling Author
I am rhythm, here to move souls
— Travis
Four words - “genuine”, “generosity”, “clarity”, faith”. For me, these four words best describe my Living a Better Story experience.
— Matt Smith
I am a story, waiting to be written
— Brendan